Tuesday, July 8, 2014


A gale howls, a storm screams
      The pattering of the rain is heard
      Draw the shutters, lest unawares
      The wind catches us in our abode
      The world is burning, without flames
      The smoke rises, leaving no soot
      Only the charred remains
      Of women and men who once walked
      The night is surely long
      The darkness is all-engulfing
      The hour is no doubt late
      And the man is yet to come
      The chains will now be broken
      The bars will now be split
      The truth, long sought, will be spoken
      From tongues like daggers' hilt
      A sun new will arise
      To a newborn dawn
      The stars will again shine
      On a world they thought gone

Sunday, July 6, 2014


The last resort, the last refuge Is dying slowly, a painless death It cannot feel, it cannot cry It cannot tell us the folly we commit The wind blows, a dusty wind
That bodes no evil and casts no good A fire blazes, burning grief It cannot destroy, only smoke The sun shines, its vigor lost The stars twinkle, all merriment faded The sky is azure, lacking hue The flower has bloomed, devoid of color The tree has with age bent The might tower now leans The raging storm is now quiet The gloomy silence, the bloodless scream Foreshadow the end to come In streets a man is killed Whilst people pass, unheeding In houses a child is beaten His screams are ignored The resort is lost, the refuge gone The next life is yours There is no man, he is long dead Without any stab or shot

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Walking Dead

        Tears of grief are falling

        From every eye

        Shall I not laugh

        And carouse and fly?

        The world is dead

        To the morning lark

        Its bosom gushes forth

        The milk of human grief

        Somewhere distant

        A child laughs aloud

        And I start

        Taken aback: shocked

        People are dying, people are crying

        The streets are full of tears

        The graveyards are crowded

        Who has died now?

        Is it man himself?

        Or is it the joy in him?

        The child that lives within?

        I want to laugh

        Can I commit this folly?

        Amidst a throng of men

        The walking dead!

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Trial Never Ends

I gaze out for an eternity
At the stars that apparently shine
Illumining the dark garb of the night
Appealing it to man's lowly sight

Men lost have often found a path
That has led them even more astray
Once lost, the path is never found
The journey continues but the trail is never sound

What's old is not always gold
A new direction must be sought
What's new is never always right
Oft times it's only a blight

Go seek a new destiny
The old one has to bits crumbled
Go seek a fire anew
That may burn flesh and sinew!